CLIPS is essentially a floating "stay-on-top" toolbar with nine buttons, to each of which you can assign a text selection that can be moved to or from the Windows clipboard with a button click. For more information about the program, maximize the CLIPS window and select the "About this program ..." button. To use CLIPS, you will need to copy the clips.exe file to the directory of your choice, and copy the threed.vbx runtime file to your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. If you have a more recent version of threed.vbx on your system, you should use it instead. You will also need to have the Visual Basic 3.0 runtime file vbrun300.dll in your WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory. You can accomplish all these things by running the setup program on this disk, or alternatively you can manually install the program from the archive file. Due to its smaller size, the archive file is more suited to distribution via modem. If you choose to register this program ($5), you will be able to resize the toolbar buttons by simply dragging the borders of the CLIPS window. This will enable you to create a smaller (or larger) toolbar to better fit your work area. Version 1.2